
Direct / Client Employment Portal

Unified is a leading provider of construction services and a primary supplier of technical experts to international companies in the Gulf and other regions, originating from Pakistan.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please Mention the Position/Designation applying for, matching with our Advertisement/Job Posts. Write the digits in years. Example: 05
(Relevant experience is the experience from your overall experience that matches our required position and field compatibility)Write the digits in years. Example: 05
(Overall experience is your total poisiton related experience after your education/degree)Write the digits with it’s standard currency unit. Examples: 5,000 AED or 90,000 PKR or 5370 USD.Write the correct email address because you will be contacted via email at first point, If you are shortlisted for Interview. Example: username@domain.comPlease use the standard format with country code. Example: +92-300-1234567 for Pakistan.

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